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Topic #120 - recherche mariage 1896
    - by martineCHE 26/09/2023 18:38
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    - Topic read 2332 times

Topic #119 - Alfons LORCH, Rosina WOLF et l'enfant Fritz WOLF
    - by Elgie 25/09/2023 13:47
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    - Topic read 2216 times

Topic #113 - Marie Anne KLEIN épouse Hernert
    - by GEOFFROY 13/04/2023 10:11
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    - Topic read 2931 times

Topic #109 - Romelfing 1722 marriage
    - by Trond 23/02/2023 15:38
    - 1 answer (by tgjerdrum on 10/03/2023 17:54)
    - Topic read 3869 times

Topic #95 - Décès de Marguerite CAHé le 28 février 1834 à Hazembourg
    - by Gilles33 28/01/2022 15:28
    - 1 answer (by Daniel_57 on 07/02/2023 11:44)
    - Topic read 6542 times

Topic #98 - Spicheren Parish Records
    - by Matt 06/05/2022 19:01
    - 1 answer (by Daniel_57 on 07/02/2023 11:25)
    - Topic read 5884 times

Topic #106 - WAGNER x BARTHELEMY < 1772
    - by maguy 05/02/2023 14:33
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    - Topic read 2699 times

Topic #103 - recherche famille podorieszack
    - by kfdouay 29/09/2022 18:40
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    - Topic read 4278 times

Topic #102 - Acte de mariage du 15/01/1737
    - by Taillandier 10/09/2022 17:12
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    - Topic read 4222 times

Topic #97 - Naissance 1901 Boulay / Moselle
    - by Brice 06/05/2022 12:01
    - 1 answer (by siwaay on 16/05/2022 15:05)
    - Topic read 6785 times

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