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Topic #112 - Recherche père de Michel LEJEUNE (1854-1934), mort à la guerre (de Crimée?)
    - by Caballi 09/04/2023 18:21
    - Answers
    - Topic read 2463 times

Topic #111 - BASTIEN / BRIOT
    - by Bruno 22/03/2023 17:23
    - Answers
    - Topic read 2666 times

Topic #109 - Romelfing 1722 marriage
    - by Trond 23/02/2023 15:38
    - 1 answer (by tgjerdrum on 10/03/2023 17:54)
    - Topic read 3069 times

Topic #105 - Généalogie
    - by gtaillandier 15/11/2022 19:11
    - 2 Last answer by Taillandier on 15/02/2023 13:45)
    - Topic read 4598 times

Topic #89 - Lindre-Haute
    - by napoleonpatricia 07/12/2021 15:30
    - 1 answer (by christel on 14/02/2023 18:54)
    - Topic read 6009 times

Topic #107 - WAGNER x BARTHELEMY < 1772
    - by maguy 05/02/2023 14:44
    - 1 answer (by christel on 14/02/2023 18:49)
    - Topic read 3610 times

Topic #108 - Famille steier
    - by Mimizouby13 10/02/2023 19:42
    - Answers
    - Topic read 2646 times

Topic #95 - Décès de Marguerite CAHé le 28 février 1834 à Hazembourg
    - by Gilles33 28/01/2022 15:28
    - 1 answer (by Daniel_57 on 07/02/2023 11:44)
    - Topic read 5668 times

Topic #98 - Spicheren Parish Records
    - by Matt 06/05/2022 19:01
    - 1 answer (by Daniel_57 on 07/02/2023 11:25)
    - Topic read 5058 times

Topic #106 - WAGNER x BARTHELEMY < 1772
    - by maguy 05/02/2023 14:33
    - Answers
    - Topic read 2170 times

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